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Fausto Bordalo Dias


Fausto Bordalo Dias stands out throughout his career for the acuteness with which he has always approached music. Based on the development and stylization of the traditional Portuguese rhythm, which always combined a poetic and very careful writing. Fausto's career is unique in the Portuguese musical universe and his legacy in Portuguese popular music is highly prosperous and diverse.


Author of 14 albums, recorded between 1970 and 2011 (eleven of originals, two compilations and a live disc), "Fausto composes each album of originals as a storyteller, from the first to the last song." (Journalist and critic Viriato Teles ). His songs are cinematic; they tackle challenging scenarios, they stand out like photographs or enormous frescoes, while being dreamy and harsh, popular and sophisticated. "His fans say that each of his albums should be listened to with a script, as if they were at the opera." (Idem).

Listening to Fausto is always a pleasure and a surprise as his concerts (like his work) are in constant renewal.  

His latest album “Em Busca das Montanhas Azuis” (2011) reached the number one national top of sales in Portugal, and was Gold Record in less than a month.




Original Albums:
P'ró Que Der e Vier (1974)
Beco com saída (1975)
Madrugada dos Trapeiros (1977)
Histórias de Viajeiros (1979)
Por Este Rio Acima (1982)
O despertar dos alquimistas (1985)
Para além das cordilheiras (1987)
A preto e branco (1988)
Crónicas da terra ardente (1994)
A Ópera Mágica do Cantor Maldito (2003)
Em Busca das Montanhas Azuis (2011)
Atrás dos Tempos Vêm Tempos (1996)
Grande Grande É a Viagem (ao vivo) (1999)
18 canções de amor e mais uma de ressentido protesto (2007)


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